Monday, August 30, 2010

Small Piece of the Big Picture

Good process yesterday. After a bout of feeling discouraged and a good process from there, here's a quote (close paraphrase) from Nic: "I don't want this to just be about getting better circumstances, like a job I like better or making more money. I want this to be about growing my faith and assurance that God is good... And good to me, not just to other people or 'better' people than me..."


Tuesday, August 10, 2010


First off, I wish to let it be known that I stand in abject opposition to the titling of this blog.

My wife is smarter than I am, and can piece together concepts of thought in a more coherent fashion than I, but I utilize punctuation better than her.  That is all you need to know about us.

The ensuing chaos will include random musings, rants, soap boxes, missives, and the occasional spark of esoteric genius that will catapult this meager and unassuming little blog into the far reaches of opined preeminence.  Actually, we'll probably just talk about regular stuff, and if we throw in gummy-bear-ultrasound-baby pictures, we might get my parents to read.
